Sixth Thing
In 2010, Claude Heath accepted an invitation to join a group of archaeologists working in Alexandria in Southern Romania who were exploring alternative ways of thinking about artifacts and about the intersections of art and archaeology. While in Alexandria, Claude made a series of his “sighted” or “blind” drawings. Claude was asked to use archaeological objects as a source of information to make art with. Sixth Thing is one of the objects placed in his hands. Sixth Thing is a Neolithic (6000-3500 cal. BC) flint core used in prehistory to make flint blades and which is in the collection of the Muzeul Judetean Teleorman in Alexandria.
For one of the other works that Claude made as part of this project check of this other Featured Work:
For more information about Claude and his other work, please use this link:
Details of Claude’s work in Alexandria will be found in these publications:
Heath, C. 2011. Unsighted tactile drawings of prehistoric archaeological objects. In S. Mills (ed.) Interventions: Măgura Past and Present, pp. 185-202. București: Editura Renaissance.
Heath, C. 2014. Pictorial Essay A: Out of Sight. In P. Dent (ed.) Sculpture and Touch, pp. 123–145. Farnham: Ashgate.
An overview of the project that brought Claude to Romania (Măgura Past and Present) can be found in this print publication:
Mills, S. (ed.) Măgura: Past and Present. Cardiff: School of History and Archaeology, Cardiff University.
For other work on from Măgura Past and Present see the following:
Transforming the Landscape: “37097.48776”
Măgura Past and Present a project based at Cardiff University and directed by Doug Bailey and Steve Mills, and it was one of a number of projects within the Art-Landscape-Transformations-Project 2007-4320 that was funded by the European Union Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Culture Programme (2007-2013).
Sixth Thing
Sixth Thing
Sixth Thing
Sixth Thing
Sixth Thing