Aimless / De uvæsentlige
For the January 2020 installation of Insignificants, Tim Flohr Sørensen (at the University of Copenhagen) exhibited Aimless. To accompany each of his monthly Insignificants exhibits, Tim creates a bookmark. While you will find an image of the one that he made for Aimless / Deuvæsentlige, the text is repeated here.
“To fill a Gap Insert the Thing that caused it - Block it up With Other -
and ’twill yawn the more— You cannot solder an Abyss With Air.”
(Emily Dickinson)
I gaze at a lockless key in my hand. Perhaps I found it on the street, or in the pocket of the winter coat I fetched in the cellar. I might have found it in the house where the old man used to live, in his collection of miscellanea.
Bit by bit, I have collected a handful of lockless keys. Some of them were found by chance. I have no clue where they belong. Others I recognize vaguely, but with no recollection of their lock. Emancipated keys. Or perhaps they have struck Absolute Significance Zero.
But who knows? Perhaps there is, out there in the night, an entire parallel society of keyless keyholes, living a quiet, lonely life in yearning for reunion. It is also possible that I am the lockless latch-key child.
To see other installations from Insignificants, follow these links:
For more information about Tim and his work, check out these links: