Outsiders’ conception of the Pueblo de Abiquiú in Northern New Mexico is largely informed by Georgia O’Keefe’s famous abstract landscape paintings of the town. While O’Keefe's work is beautiful and regarded as some of the best early Modernist art, it presents a limited and problematic view of the Abiquiú landscape, mainly because the land portrayed is void of people. In this project, Berkeley Abiquiú Collaborative Archaeology project teen interns created counter-maps representing alternative visions of Abiquiú’s landscape. These images capture the richness of Abiquiu's indigenous community and create a living archive of the people that call Abiquiú home. To do this we collaged photographs from archaeological field work in the summer of 2017 over Georgia OKeeffe's paintings of Abiquiú and Ghost Ranch. The purpose of this project is to rewrite indigenous bodies into the canon of art history and challenge issues of (mis)representation of native land.
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